We cannot live on coffee alone. That’s why there’s beer!
We know that a nice foamy latté, or a large moccachino, or even a hot chocolate sound like an entire food group on its own, but sadly it’s not true (we have our Famous Cup of Coffee for that).
That’s why there’s beer!
Germany famously considers beer to be a food group, and who are we to argue with the country that makes the Porsche? Or consider the apocryphal story of the old Irish man who lived on Guinness, and was eventually diagnosed with scurvy from lack of Vitamin C? (All he needed was an orange a day). We don’t know how true that is, but it’s a fine story.
We don’t condone living on just beer. Or even just coffee: but we are willing to share the spotlight and let you know that today is International Beer Day. To quote their site “International Beer Day is a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, breweries, and backyards all over the world. It’s a day for beer lovers everywhere to raise a toast to our brewers and bartenders and rejoice in the greatness of beer!”