September 2018
10-17: Not Your Older Brother’s 4-20
It’s barrelling down on us like, well, a bongwater-filled barrel.
Reefer. Muggles. Bud. Chronic. Weed. Grass. No matter what you call it, marijuana will be legal in Canada on October 17th and it’s coming your way. You no longer have to wait until mid-afternoon to spark up.
Canada as a whole is struggling with the implications, and Calgary is no different. Or we here at the Perk. To toke or hoot? Vape? Edibles? Indoors? Public spaces? School? Work? Coffee shops? Bars? There are no definitive answers, yet.
We are the only country other than Uruguay to legalize cannabis, and we are treading uncharted waters. Or leading the developed world, your preference.
How does this affect the neighbourhood? Well, there are at least 6 cannabis store applications on 4th street alone, and over two dozen in the Mission – 17th Ave – Beltline area. That’s approaching coffee shop territory. Inconceivable!
We here at the Perk are keeping a wary eye out on developments. No decisions have been made, and in the meantime, we’re just going to sip coffee , snack on munchies, and watch. Come join us!