International Coffee Day!
Here at the Perk we just KNOW you’ve been celebrating International Coffee Day ever since you heard about it. We know we have!
Welllll… that’s not strictly true. We missed the first one in 2015. Or was it 2009? And maybe a couple since then. But here at the Perk EVERY day is coffee day, so we feel warm and fuzzy about the whole thing.
This year the International Coffee Organization, or the ICO for short (don’t you just love all those acronyms?), is celebrating Women In Coffee. Now, we don’t recommend covering women in coffee, especially if it’s hot, but I guess as long as it’s consensual and tasty and nobody gets hurt then it’s all good.
But in all seriousness, women are central to the production and distribution of coffee, and their contribution to the coffee chain deserves to be celebrated. Bring your favourite woman to the Perk and celebrate her with one of our coffees! And maybe a dessert…