Stampede. Breakfast. In a Cup.
It’s that time of year again. As hardened Calgarians know, we’re about to be inundated with tourists wearing cheap cowboy hats and flip-flops. We’re good with that. We are. Really. Honest. Believe me. As long as we don’t have to wear the flip-flops and we get the occasional free breakfast.
Yes. Free. As in the opposite of TANSTAAFL (look it up, yo). Only breakfast, not lunch. There are so many places in Calgary where you can get your pancake breakfast on it’s frankly ridiculous. And even more that have not-breakfast-but-still-Stampede barbecues. Morning people pretty much trip over these things on the way to work. And then they have a pancake with bacon and a coffee.
Well, here at the Purple Perk coffee emporium we’re all about efficiency. Well, efficiency and coffee. Efficiency, coffee and snacks. Efficiency, coffee, snacks and lunch. And at this time of year we’re also about pancakes. And efficiency. The pancakes just fly off the shelves here during Stampede. Or more accurately, off the griddle. But we’re all about efficiency here, so we present for your breakfast pleasure and efficiency… our Stampede Special: the Bacon Latte. You’re welcome.